A Sociolinguistics Analysis Of Register Used On Grand Final Master Chef Season 9 Episode Duplicate Dish By Chef Arnold

  • Ni Putu Sintya Puspita Sari English Literature Department, Dhyana Pura University
  • Aditya Permana Putra Tanaya English Literature Department, Dhyana Pura University
  • Ni Luh Desy Suari Dewi English Literature Department, Dhyana Pura University
  • Gek Wulan Novi Utami English Literature Department, Dhyana Pura University
  • I Gede Neil Prajamukti Wardhana English Literature Department, Dhyana Pura University
Keywords: Register, Linguistics Form, Motive


Language differences between one person and another are called varieties. The varieties in linguistic items include dialects, registers, and styles. Registers are a variety of languages depending on the occasion and also the social settings. The register is usually known only by people who use the words. It connects with the occupation and particular vocabulary. Therefore, this study aims to find out the terms that are categorized as register used in cooking, the linguistic form and also the motive used in the Master Chef Indonesia program. This study applied a qualitative descriptive approach because this research is related to the study of sociolinguistics which dealt with investigating the linguistics form (proposed by Morley) and motive (proposed by Hockett) of registers that are used in the conversations. The result of this study shows that some words and compound words are categorized as register used in cooking in the Grand Final Master Chef Season 9 YouTube video Duplicate Dish by Chef Arnold. Those words are categorized as nouns and verbs for the grammatical category and they function as subject, predicate and object in the utterance. The use of these registers is based on the prestige motive and the need-filling motive. Therefore, there will be always motives behind the registers used by the speaker depending on the occasion and also the social settingRegister


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