A Study Of The Ideational Function: Transitivity Analysis Of Simon Stiell’s Speech
This study examines the discourse of Simon Stiell's political speeches through the lens of Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar. Additionally, it aims to substantiate the claim that Systemic Functional Grammar, in particular the idealization meta-functions, underlies Stiell's political speech at COP27. It employs both a qualitative and a quantitative mixed approach. The study's sample is Simon Stiell, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, addressing during the COP27 closing session on November 20, 2022. After that, transitivity analysis was done to determine the outcomes. These speeches have undergone transitivity system analysis. The study's findings show that Simon Stiell heavily employs the idealization meta-functions in his speeches. It demonstrates that he has extensively trained using systemic functional grammar in his discourse, which made persuading the listener to take action far more successful and persuasive. Additionally, the results demonstrate that the proportion of Material processes that use the idealization meta-functional aspects varies depending on his speech and even the context
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