Terminology Equivalence from English to Indonesia Language: A View of Grammatical Processes and Inconsistencies
This present study examines the processes of the terminologies equivalences from English to Indonesia language and highlights the inconsistencies equivalences. The data were collected from several official twitter accounts that are responsible for Bahasa Indonesia development. The poster data that were collected was from 2019 to 2020, and the data were analyzed by using the equivalence approach. This present study shows that there are the process of paragoge, aphaeresis, affixation, acronym, word-to-phrase, syllable-for-word, and word-for-word. The affixation and word-for-word process become the most applied process of equivalence. Meanwhile, this study finds a plenty of inconsistency equivalences. This is occured because it is the translators’ self-decision of creating equivalences, and they accentuate aesthetics due to the absence of standardization of equivalence process.
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