An Analysis Of Applied Linguistics Used In Touristic Genres

  • I Nengah Laba University of Dhyana Pura
  • Putu Chrisma Dewi University of Dhyana Pura
Keywords: Genre, Tourists, Tourism, Linguistics


Touristic genre is a specific type of texts used in tourism field. This paper examines applied linguistics used in touristic genres. This research is a qualitative exploratory study with documentation studies carried out through observation and the support of secondary data from relevant sources, including previous related research results. Touristic genres made available to help facilitate a more substantial and extended information for tourists to explore. Tourists might be attracted to visit after having exposed with fascinating touristic genres, e.g. amazing staycation, fusion dishes, shopaholics delight and spellbinding ambiance which display on the websites and tourism brochure. Tourists believe that they are becoming global communicators and acquiring a global linguistic repertoire of tourism. The real value in pointing to grammatical and phonetic characteristics such as those linguistic features used in tourism industry does not lie in their linguistic significance, but rather in their perceived as more functional touristic genres. In the context of a touristic genre, linguistic features are stylized, re-contextualized and commodified in accordance with the applicable functionality rather than theoretically explored


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