Developing Material Of English For Tour Guiding Enriched With Balinese Local Wisdom For Tourism Students
This research aimed at developing material of English for tour guiding enriched with Balinese local wisdom, providing contextual and suit with culture and local wisdom value of Bali Island. This research employed R&D with ADDIE. The syllabus and lesson plan were meticulously checked in analysis phase, teachers and the available teaching-learning situation were involved in this phase. then, the product was formulated into an e-book with Bali local wisdom, in design stage. The utility and validity of the recent product in development stage were assessed by validity tests and practicability tests. Validity tests done by 5 experts confirmed the recent product was in valid category in terms of language, layout, and content. Result of Focus Group Discussion test showed e-book was categorized in good category, respectively score 1.182 (86%) for content, score 1.069 points (89%) for layout, and score 725 points (85%) for language. The study was conducted to accommodate educators in higher education a better teaching material, specifically for the English for Tour Guiding course
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